Terms & Conditions
Coaching Contract
This agreement is made between (the ‘client’ or ‘you’) and WENDY NICHOLLS (‘I’, ‘me’. or ‘the coach’, ' weight management consultant', 'weight loss consultant') for coaching sessions.
I will do my best to help you meet your personal goals. These terms and conditions are here to make sure that everything is written down so that our expectations of one another are clear. Information about payment and rescheduling, and details of how your information will be stored and used are provided. Please read this through before we begin working together and keep a copy handy.
The Coaching Relationship
The purpose of the coaching relationship is to support the client make positive change. The coach and client will first come to an agreement about the nature of coaching. Coaching is a non-therapeutic intervention intended for clients who wish to enhance their personal situation, or potentially use the coaching as bariatric surgery alternative. Either the client or the coach is able to exit the coaching relationship without giving any reason, subject to appropriate notice being given.
Client’s Responsibilities
1. That you can consent for yourself.
2. That you will be open and honest in providing information needed to benefit most from the time together. That you will complete forms and questionnaires honestly. That you will provide honest feedback on your progress, and on suggested strategies and techniques.
3. That you will be available for scheduled sessions. That you will complete the activities for each week.
4. That you will read through this contract.
5. Be aware that you are advised to see medical approval before embarking on any weight loss attempt.
6. That you have medical consent to commence weight loss if you have experienced or are experiencing any of the following: Diabetes, heart disease or stroke, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, kidney disease. Please note: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it may not be the best time to think about changing your eating behaviour (however frustrating that might feel!). I am happy to talk to you and make a plan with you about when would be a good time for us to start working together.
7. Be aware that I am not a medical doctor, psychotherapist, or dietitian. You understand that I have not promised, shall not be obligated to and will not; act as a therapist providing psychoanalysis, act as a dietician providing detailed information on food and nutritional education, act as a physical activity instructor to advise on programmes of exercise.
8. Understand that a relationship does not exist between the you and I after the conclusion of this program. If you and I continue our professional relationship, a separate agreement will be entered into.
9. Accept and agree that you are responsible for your progress and results from the plan. You understand that because of the nature of the program and extent, the results experienced by each client may significantly vary. I do not position this product as a “lose weight fast” scheme. Your level of success in attaining the outcomes you have in mind depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, knowledge and various skills.
Coach’s Responsibilities and Confidentiality
1. To manage the coaching process.
2. To undertake regular professional coaching supervision.
3. To act appropriately if this programme is not suitable for you. This programme is about your eating behaviour, as such it may not be suitable for some people. I will complete some assessments to look into your suitability for the programme and refer you elsewhere if I feel it is necessary.
4. I will take notes in 1:1 sessions, these will be kept strictly confidential. Notes will not contain your identity. Notes will be kept for 5 years in accordance with the requirements of insurers.
5. To maintain confidentiality; I will not use or disclose the information you share, except as authorised by you or as follows:
a. On occasion I may anonymously share generalised information about our work together for teaching, training, or consultation purposes. Your identity and any information that could lead to your identification will remain entirely confidential.
b. I will manage risk appropriately. Where you describe medical concerns, or events in your life that have potential for harm to yourself or others, events which are illegal, or issues which are outside the limits of my knowledge and skills to address, then I reserve the right to call appropriate support, without requesting client consent. Wherever possible, this will be done sensitively and with client consent. On rare occasions however, safeguarding wellbeing of client’s or others will be prioritised above confidentiality.
6. I may, at my sole discretion, terminate this arrangement without refund if you are abusive, disruptive, fail to follow the guidelines, or upon violation of the terms as detailed here. You will still be liable to pay the total contract amount.
Rescheduling coaching sessions
To reschedule, you must do so 24 hours before your session begins or your fee will be forfeited. To reschedule your session, simply send an email to wendy@neverdiet.co.uk and provide some options for alternative times to meet. To keep momentum, rescheduling within the same week is advised.
Fair Usage Policy
A Fair Usage policy applies to to the number and nature of personal communications (including instant messaging, Email, and 15 minute “Check-In” bookings) with me. Whilst I undertake to answer a generous number of requests from members, in the event that I receive an unreasonably large number of requests from a member, or the nature of those calls in my sole opinion places unreasonable demands which may compromise the quality of provision for other members, then this Fair Usage policy will apply.
Fair Usage will be determined by me at my sole discretion through calculating from the number of communications received per week, comparing this against other users, or otherwise by virtue of my experience of meeting the Member’s requirements, and the use of their subscription.
If I decide that your usage does not reflect the service being subscribed to, then I will contact you to let you know that I feel your usage is unreasonable and discuss your alternatives, which may require the payment of a higher rate, or could result in my requesting you to limit what we consider to be the "excess usage”.
I am confident that I can make a real difference to your eating habits and relationship with food. If you have taken part in all your planned sessions, completed the activities, tasks and questionnaires, and cannot see any change in yourself after at least 3 months, then you choose to (a) have an extra free of charge 60 minute 1:1 coaching session or (b) you can have all of your money back.
Limitation of Liability
You agree that you are using my services at your own risk and that the plan is an educational service. You accept any and all risks, foreseeable or unforeseeable. You agree that I will not be held liable for any damages of any kind happening from the use or misuse of services or enrolment in the plan.
Intellectual Property
The coaching programme is copyright and original materials that have been provided to you are for your individual use only and not to be republished or retransmitted to anyone else, for any purpose.
Information about the Coach
I am a Chartered Coaching Psychologist and an Associate Fellow with the British Psychological Society, a member of the British Psychological Society Special Group in Coaching Psychology, a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science, and a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).
Ethics and Professional Guidelines
The ethical framework, standards, and guidelines of the British Psychological Society and the EMCC will be adhered to at all times. They are available at: https://www.bps.org.uk/our-members/standards-and-guidelines and https://emccuk.org/Public/Public/Accreditation/Global_Code_of_Ethics.aspx.
By submitting your booking form and payment, you agree to the following:
I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions.
I am over 18 years of age.
I am medically fit to undertake a weight loss programme, and have gained medical consent where this is appropriate.
I consent to Dr Wendy Nicholls taking appropriate action to inform an appropriate third party where harm, or potential for harm, to myself or others is disclosed.
I consent to Dr Wendy Nicholls storing information, including contact details, personal information, and information relevant to my coaching plan on a password protected computer.
I consent to my email address and postal address being held by NeverDiet for the purpose of communicating materials relevant to my coaching programme.